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[欧美流行] Modern Crusaders 现代十字军】注释

发表于 2010-6-23 19:02:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Modern Crusaders 现代十字军】注释

【Modern Crusaders 现代十字军】
Don't look back 绝不退缩
The time has come 神圣的时刻已经来临
All the pain turns into love 所有的苦痛化成了爱
We're not submissive, we're not aggressive 我们不屈服顺从,我们不挑衅他人
But they think we can't defend 他们竟认为我们可任人宰割欺凌
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive 起来,来吧,加入现代十字军
We have the power to face the future 我们有权力面对未来
Cause we are the fighters 因为我们是战士
Just fighting for our rights 正为捍卫我们的权利而斗争
They're accusing, like always without knowing 他们应受到谴责,因为他们始终不会知道
What is just fiction or what is the truth 什么只是谎言,什么才是真理
They have no mission, they have no passion 他们没有使命,他们没有激情
But they dare to tell us what's bad and what's good! 可他们却敢于告诉我们善恶之分
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive 起来,来吧,加入现代十字军
We have the power who'll face the future 我们有权力面对未来
Cause we are the fighters 因为我们是战士
Just fighting for our rights 正为捍卫我们的权利而斗争
est affectus 拼尽全力
et defectus 筋疲力尽
semper in angaria. drive on 永远疲于奔命。驱赶
and weighted down, 被压迫
always enslaved. 被奴役
quod per sortem 因为命运
sternit fortem, 打倒了坚强勇敢者
mecum omnes plangite! since Fate 所有人同我一起悲号。因为命运
strikes down the strong man, 打倒了坚强勇敢者,
everyone weep with me! 所有人和我一起哭泣
nunc obdurat 时而铁石心肠
et tunc curat 时而又关心抚慰
ludo mentis aciem, 当作游戏一般
egestatem, 穷困
potestatem first oppresses 先是权力的压迫
and then soothes 然后是各种抚慰
as fancy takes it; 当作游戏一般
poverty, 穷困
power 权力
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive 起来,来吧,加入现代十字军
We have the power who'll face the future 我们有权力面对未来
Cause we are the fighters 因为我们是战士
Just fighting for our fights 正为捍卫我们的权利而斗争
Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive! 起来,来吧,加入现代十字军
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